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Visitor information

We look forward to welcoming you again at the start of the season on 1 April!

Whether as an individual visit, group tour or school excursion – we have the right offer for you!

For reasons of monument preservation, a maximum of 40 people are allowed in the museum at any one time. We, therefore, ask you to register with us for groups of ten or more.

Opening hours

01 April to 30 November
Tuesday to Sunday
10 am – 1 pm and 2 pm – 5 pm

Open on the following holidays: Easter, Labour Day, Ascension Day, Whit Monday, Corpus Christi, German Unification Day, All Saints’ Day


Admission prices

6.00 € Adults
4.00 € Students, vocational trainees, severely disabled persons

Free admission (with proof)
Children and young people under 18, Refugees, Beneficiaries of the LVR

Booklet accompanying the exhibition in English

For visitors who would like to discover the Museum Rotes Haus Monschau on a tour tailored precisely to their needs, we provide an exhibition handbook free of charge.

Download the booklet in English here

You are welcome to book the following guided tours in German in advance:

Introductory lecture (from 10 to 40 people)
With a short introductory talk at the beginning of your visit, we inform you about the most important things about the museum and its exhibition.Duration: approx. 15 minutes
Price: free of charge

Guided tour (from 2 to 20 people)
During a guided tour, we accompany you from room to room through the exhibition and address your individual questions. Learn more about the upper-middle-class living culture of the 18th century. The exhibition shows the furniture styles of the 19th century, the lifestyles of the time and the success story of the Scheibler family of manufacturers. Let us take you into the colourful world of fine Monschau cloth, learn about the elaborate pre- and early industrial cloth production, and follow us into the cellar vault of the Red House, where the wool was washed.Duration: approx. 1.5 hours
Price: € 70 in addition to the entrance fee

Introductory lecture for school classes and kindergartens (max. one class/group)
With an introductory lecture specially tailored to the respective age group, we provide information about the habits of life in the 18th century. The exhibition will show the history of cloth production in the nineteenth century and the special features of the “Red House”.Duration: approx. 30 minutes
Price: 35 €

We would be happy to advise you!

Phone: 0049 2472 5071




Aus Steinen und Ziegeln gemauerter Keller mit Blick durch einen Säulengang. Die Säulen tragen gemauerte Rundbögen. Der Raum ist mit blauem Licht untermalt, in der Mitte zwischen zwei Säulen ist die Projektion einer Walke auf Leinwand zu sehen.

The vaulted cellar under the forecourt can only be visited as part of a guided tour.                                                                    We would be happy to advise you on our guided tours!

Access to the Red House is via a set of stairs. In the museum, the individual floors can only be reached via stairs, there is no lift.
We are happy to offer you individual support during your visit. Please do not hesitate to contact us!


Photography and filming in the museum are generally only permitted for private purposes, and without the use of flash equipment or tripods.

Photography and filming for commercial purposes and in the context of current reporting (press) are only permitted with written permission. Please contact us for this purpose.